Prenatal Yoga

If I give one piece of advice for preparing for birth, it is to take a prenatal yoga class. It helps you connect with your baby, set the intention for your birth, and has so many other benefits. The benefits of prenatal yoga I felt were most important:

1)    Yoga helps you gain the physical endurance needed for labor and birth. They say that giving birth is like running a marathon and speaking firsthand, I can attest to that.  Yoga teaches you how to breathe deeply and consciously relax, birth is all about relaxing your mind and letting your body do exactly what it was made to do.


2)    Prenatal yoga primes you for labor and childbirth. Conscious breathing, and focusing on the present moment (one breath at a time) helps you stay calm when you need it most. If you aren’t calm you produce less oxytocin (which helps labor progress).


3)    Yoga actually lowers risks for you and your baby. Prenatal yoga lowers:

·       your chance of having pregnancy complications

·       your pain and stress levels


4)    You can find a new momma community. 

·       You can meet other new momma (one of the most important things to have when you’re a new momma, the learning curve when you have a newborn is big)

·       It’s nice to have others holding you accountable to attend

If you are looking for a routine at home to continue with your classes I made a video during my first pregnancy that I used all the time with my second pregnancy. Pregnancy is such a beautiful time to connect with your baby, and my video focuses on that connection and setting a positive birth intention. Namaste to you, and your babe, I wish you a beautiful birthing experience!


The best way to relieve your baby of constipation naturally

Desperate? I was when my little was in pain due to constipation. It broke my heart seeing her constipated, I felt helpless. So I reached out to my pediatrician to find out the best way to relieve my baby of constipation and they recommend a twice daily dose of Miralax.

In desperation I just wanted to go out right away and buy it, but as always I did my research. The information I found made me thank god I didn't blindly follow the pediatricians advise. Some highlights: 

"Miralax has never been approved by the FDA for pediatric use... The FDA admits to years of reports of tremors, tics and obsessive-compulsive behavior in children given laxatives containing PEG 3350, the active ingredient in Miralax. A 2014 FDA investigation into the safety of Miralax discovered that tiny amounts of ethylene glycol (EG) and diethylene glycol (DEG), the main ingredients in antifreeze were found in all batches of the drug (Miralax) they tested."

Needless to say I didn’t use Miralax, but I did find some great options I feel good about and listed my favorite by age group below:

  1. Newborn to 6 months:

    • Massage 

    • Warm Bath

    • Movement - gently baby's legs while they are lying on their back to mimic the motion of riding a bicycle

    • Mother eating peaches, prunes, plums, and pears

    • Mother staying hydrated

    • Mother avoiding dairy & peanuts 

  2. 6 months to one year: 

    • Massage 

    • Warm Bath

    • Organic prunes alone or mixed with flax meal - it’s something I came up with myself and used a few times, just be sure they are very hydrated with using flax 

    • Apple juice (organic not from concentrate) - not watered down (pediatricians recommendation), I know, I don’t like the idea of sugar or juice, but 2oz a day until she was regular helped and it was easy to get her to take it - I used this before discovering the Baby Move

    • Blueberries

    • Wellements Baby Move (6 months plus) - this was my absolute favorite! It works really well, my daughter loves the taste (prunes are sweet), you don’t need a lot (5ml-15ml) 

  3. One to two years:

    • Wellements Baby Move it is still what I used for my 2 year old - this was my absolute favorite! It works really well, my daughter loves the taste (prunes are sweet), you don’t need a lot (5ml-15ml) 

    • Fruit with very small chopped greens (strawberries with Kale chopped finely like a spice)

    • Green Juice and Smoothies

    • Flax Meal (I just sprinkled some on my daughters food)

    • Blueberries

  4. 2 years plus: 

    • Wellements Baby Move it is still what I use for my 2 year old - this was my absolute favorite! It works really well, my daughter loves the taste (prunes are sweet), you don’t need a lot (5ml-15ml) - I literally just can't recommend it enough

    • Small and well chopped salads, getting natural fiber on a regular basis is the best

    • Green Juice and Smoothies

    • Flax Meal (I just sprinkle some on my daughters food)

    • Blueberries

For all ages make sure they are hydrated, that is HUGE! 

Hope you found this helpful, and you’re able to get things moving along for your little soon! If you have other solutions you feel good about, please share in the comments below.

The skinny on the best non-toxic pacifiers and pacifier use


I know there is a lot of information about pacifiers, after all the research I did here is the skinny:

The most compelling do:

pacifier use has been shown to reduce the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).

The most compelling don’t:

pacifier use might increase the risk of middle ear infections.

How to decide?

SIDS risk is highest in the 0-6 month range, rates of middle ear infections are generally lowest from birth to age 6 months. So ideally use one from 3-4 weeks old until 6 months old.

What are the best orthodontic non-toxic options?


0-6 months

6 months plus


0-2 months (newborn)

0-3 months

3-9 months

9 months plus

I did a lot of research on this so I hope it helps you mommas! I would love to hear your thoughts or ideas on this and more about what you trust for your littles too, please drop a comment below.

Mommas need to take time to get grounded, a practice to help

Hey Momma’s I know that getting in some time by yourself is tough with littles, but I saw this blog and thought of you all! I tried this practice while babe was in the carrier, it is very grounding and I would recommend trying it if you feel frazzled from the day to day momma duties. Credit Alonso Chehade

How to do walking meditation

Walking meditation is a great way to step out when feeling overwhelmed or unfocused at work. I learned this practice while at a meditation retreat at a Buddhist temple. The monks do walking meditation in the morning and after lunch to help with digestion.

Here's a quick guide on how to do it.

First, start standing still. Say “standing” three times. Then repeat “I want to walk” three times.

As you make the first step with your right foot, say “right go through,” then as you make the second step, say “left go through.”

As you go through the steps, the balance is on the standing leg. The standing leg controls the landing of the stepping leg.

The pronunciation of “through” should be synced with the landing of each step. “Left go...” as you lightly land the left foot in the floor, say “...through.”

The walking meditation happens in a straight line going back and forth. When you’re ready to turn around, after the last step, stand still again and say “standing” three times.

Then say “I want to go back” three times. After that, lift and pivot your right foot to the right, as you say “going back.” Then lift your left foot and land it next to your right foot as you say “going back” for the second time. Now, lift and pivot your right leg to the right as you say “going back” for the last time. Then lift your left foot again and land it next to your right foot.

Now that you’ve turned around start again by saying “standing” three times. Then say ”I want to go back” three times, and start walking as you say “right go through, ” “left go through.”

Do it out loud for a couple of rounds to help with concentration, then silently.

The best non-toxic sippy cups for your littles

I’m a huge advocate for non-toxic everything, especially when it comes to my littles. So for sippy cups, I don’t have a big list because there were really only two brands that made the cut. THINKBABY and Pura.

After doing a lot of research, I discovered that  “BPA free” is literally a government requirement for all sippy cups. There are actually so many other chemicals that are in plastics that can do just as much if not more damage as BPA.

  • That being said here are the deets on the two options:

    1. THINKBABY sippies are plastic, but they do not utilize any of the known carcinogenic, reproductive toxic, endocrine disrupting, neurotoxic materials in their products. The list is extensive, but they are mindful (and I love it) they don’t use:

    No alkylphenols, polyurethane,
    No petroleum distillates,
    No phosphates,
    No chlorine
    No chlorinated or brominated solvents
    No petroleum-derived or petrochemical fragrances,
    No parabens,
    No sulfur oxides,
    No organohalides,
    No formaldehyde,
    No trichloroethylene (TCE)
    No perchloroethylene (Perc)
    No dioxins and furans,
    No hexavalent chromium,
    No organophosphate pesticides
    No polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs)
    No di-(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate (DEHP),
    No 2,4, dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4, D)
    No toxic dyes
    No PVC
    No PET or copolyester
    No Melamine
    No Bisphenol-A (BPA)
    No Bisphenol- S (BPS)
    No PFCs
    No Formamide

    The nipple is very bottle like (and makes for an easy transition from bottles) and the handles really help the littles figure it out. It’s a great option for transitioning from bottles. They are dishwasher safe too.

    2. Pura sippies are all stainless and medical grade silicone (so no plastics) and they are non-toxic certified.
    Their product materials are screened for all known carcinogens, endocrine disruptors, reproductive toxins, neurotoxins, behavioral toxins, flame retardants, heavy metals, pesticides, insecticides, herbicides, toxic solvents, harmful VOCs, or GMOs. Their testing process also aims to close data gaps by screening each material and ingredient for persistence, bioaccumulation, and general and aquatic toxicity.

    These are great because all tops fit all bottles (we have gone from sippy top to the straw top and even the regular bottle top, while only having to switch out the tops). My daughter loves that we have the same water bottle it makes her feel like a big girl. They are also dishwasher safe.

For transitioning from bottles to sippies, it's easier to do the switch in two parts. First with water at around 9 months, then for all other liquids at 12 months in one week.. We just replaced one bottle a day for a week, and never looked back. Then at about 18 months we started the transition to the straw sippies, and that took some learning, but she still uses that in the car and at daycare (at two years old). Hope this helps momma, if you have any other cups you trust, I’d love to hear what works for you!

Pregnancy Whole Food Protein Shake (55 grams of protein)

So you need a lot of protein on the daily when you are pregnant (70-100 grams daily according to APA). I did a lot of research on protein powders (even the ones “made for pregnancy”). I couldn't find anything that I felt good about so I came up with my own whole food protein shake, and think it’s definitely worth sharing:


1 Large Banana

2-3 TBSP peanut butter

1-1½ Cup nonfat milk

3 TBSP Hemp powder

2 TBSP Chia

¾ cup Plain Greek Yogurt

1 Handful Spinach

More specifically I used organic everything, and I used Greek yogurt because it has more protein. Enjoy!

Breastmilk bath (yes it is what you think!)

Have you ever heard of a breastmilk bath? Me neither, until I did. I always found myself not knowing what to do with my frozen milk, or milk that was just one day away from expiring in the fridge, all the while knowing my daughter wasn’t going to drink it. Until I heard of this!

The breastmilk bath! It is just like it sounds, breastmilk mixed into the bath water. And it can help your babies with several skin conditions such as eczema, cradle cap, psoriasis, diaper rash, minor burns, cuts, and scrapes.

Here’s how to make it:

Use 6 to 10 oz of breastmilk, the water should look milky, but you should be able to make out an outline of your baby’s body below the water surface.

That’s it! If you try it and are willing to share I’d love to hear about your breastmilk bath experiences! Please leave a comment below, happy bathing!

School (and kid) approved / no nut granola

No nut granola (perfect for schools with no nut policies):


3 cups Oatmeal
½-¾   cup pumpkin seeds
¼-½ sunflower seeds
½-¾ unsweetened coconut
3 TBSP chia seeds
1-2 TBSP cinnamon
½ TBSP nutmeg
½ TBSP cloves
½ TBSP allspice

2 TBSP vanilla
½ cup pure maple syrup
3 TBSP coconut oil (melted)

½ cup raisins or dried cherries

1.Line baking sheet with parchment paper, preheat oven to 325
2.Add all the dry ingredients into a big bowl (oatmeal through allspice) and mix
3.Drizzle all the wet ingredients (vanilla through coconut oil) over the dry ones and mix
4.Bake for 25-30 minutes, stirring about every 5 minutes
5. Add the raisins or dried cherries once cooled

Most daycares and schools have no nut rules so I came up with this tasty recipe that my daughter loves and is able to take to school with her! I’d love to hear about what you think, and if you try variations in the comments below!

Toddler morning glory muffins

This is a great recipe for healthy muffins that your toddlers will love. My toddler actually loves baking so it’s a fun project we do together. It also helps her learn about healthy choices!

Morning Glory Muffins:

2 ¼ cups whole wheat flour

2 tsp ground cinnamon

¾ tsp ground allspice
¼ tsp ground nutmeg
¼ tsp cloves

1 ½ tsp baking powder
¾ tsp baking soda
¼ tsp salt
½ tbsp coconut oil (melted)

2 large egg whites (room temperature)

2 ½ tsp vanilla extract
1 cup maple syrup

½ cup plain Greek yogurt
¾ cups freshly grated carrots

¾ cup crushed pineapple

¾ cup diced apple (about 1 small)
¼ cup raisins

2 tbsp shredded unsweetened coconut

2 tbsp diced walnuts OPTIONAL

  1. Preheat the oven to 350°F, and coat the muffin pan with olive oil (makes 12 muffins).

  2. In a medium bowl, whisk together the flour, cinnamon, allspice, nutmeg, cloves, baking powder, baking soda, and salt. In a separate bowl, whisk together the butter, egg whites, vanilla extract, and maple syrup. Add the Greek yogurt, and stir until smooth (it’s ok if there are a few small lumps).

  3. Add ½ the flour mixture, stir, then add the other half and mix (just until everything is evenly distributed, be careful not to over mix!).

  4. Fold in the carrots, pineapple (drained), apples, raisins, walnuts, and coconut.

  5. Divide the batter between the prepared muffin cups (the cups should be about about 3/4 full).

  6. Bake at 350°F for about 20-24 (you will know they are done when a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean).

  7. Cool in the pan for about 5 minutes before removing from pan.

Keep these in the fridge for up to 4 days, or in the freezer for up to 2 months!

Healthy toddler snack ideas

It’s hard to get creative with different snacks that are not only healthy, but that our littles will eat and are fast. I’m a nut when it comes to organic whole foods that don’t have added processed sugar. I am always looking for ideas, and have shared my ideas several times as well so I figured I should share them here too:

1) Yogurt (so many have added sugar, yes even the organic “baby” ones) here is what I do:

  • Organic, Plain, Greek, Whole Milk Yogurt (I like wallaby)

  • Organic just fruit purée (I like Plum Organic “just” line, no preservatives, just fruit)

2) Avocado, Cheese, and crackers

  • Cut the avocado in half, slice into squares, they can eat right out of the peel

3) Muffins - morning glory (my no added processed sugar recipe) - I say this is an easy one because they can be frozen and easily thawed

4) Fruit Salad - seems simple enough, but when they make it with you they really enjoy it!

  • Our favorite is bananas, blueberries, kiwis, blackberries and strawberries

5) Bars - not all bars are created equal, here are some great clean options you can trust to give to your littles:

It’s hard to get creative when it comes to food sometimes, so I hope these have been helpful. Share some of your favorite healthy no added processed sugar options below in the comments, I would love to hear about some of the options that you trust!

Breastfeeding is hard! Three helpful tips for new mamas

I always saw breastfeeding as this beautiful and amazing experience that just easily and naturally unfolded. Nobody ever told me it’s actually very hard and can be very painful! So I decided to write this to let other mamas know, it can be hard, it isn’t just you, and most of all encourage you to keep with it, and let you know it gets easier I swear!

At first, babies don’t know what they’re doing (neither do we) so, my first tip:

1. Take all the help you can get

When you’re at the hospital, get lactation to come in and watch you feed. You might think you’re doing great, but a day or two later your nipples feel like they’re going to fall off! So like I said, talk to lactation at the hospital (or if birthing at home, make an appointment with a lactation consultant soon after birth). They’ll save your nipples, and help you get into the swing of it.

2. Protect your supply

Not everyone tells you, but not only do you have to wake up your baby the first few weeks to ensure they eat, but it also protects your supply to have your little eat every few hours. If baby only eats on one side, pump some from the other.

3. Get the accessories

Get the accesories that will help you continue your journey while you establish breastfeeding, and toughen up those nips! Some that saved me were:
- Earth Mama Nipple Butter
- Medela Harmony Breast Pump
- Medela Tender Care Hydrogel Pads
- Medela Contact Nipple Shield
- Don’t forget to wear nursing pads (nobody tells you, then all the sudden your shirt is soaked). I love the Bamboobies Washable Reusable Nursing Pads.

Last of all, don’t give up you’re amazing you just went through pregnancy and birth, you can do this! Breastfeeding is one of the best things you can do for your baby, so it’s worth all the effort.

The end of pregnancy: third trimester tea

Preggy tea (2).jpg

Studies have shown that women who take red raspberry leaf have a reduced incidence of birth interventions. Research has also found that women who drink red raspberry leaf tea regularly towards the end of their pregnancies had shorter second stages of labor than those who don’t.”

As I said in my first pregnancy blog it shouldn't be so hard to have a natural pregnancy, but there is so much to know out there. Here is one thing I always find myself sharing with preggy momma’s to help with a natural childbirth. Drink red raspberry leaf tea! You’ll find a lot of information out there about when to drink it, I only drank it towards the end because it has some conflicting information about drinking it in the beginning of pregnancy. Anyhow here is the skinny:

How much? 

As with everything you would want to check with your doctor – I actually didn’t because they don’t usually know about more naturopathic remedies, but I have say it for liability purposes – Anyhow, here is what I found and what I did:


 Where I got my fix?

  1. It is inexpensive at this little shop in Kirkland, WA called Herban Wellness – I love this place it is a pretty amazing little store!

  2. If you prefer to order it online I also like the Birds & Bees Teas - Peaceful Pregnancy.

 Resources and other helpful facts:

This article says you can: "You can have up to 4-5 cups of raspberry leaf tea in your third trimester, but have at least 2-3.” If I made it into my 41st week of pregnancy I was planning to drink 4 cups a day. 

This article refers to using it for labor induction “It is advised to start in week 32 of your pregnancy because this will help your body adjust gradually. Start by drinking one cup a day and take it to three cups daily by the end of your pregnancy. Reduce your intake if you notice severe Braxton Hicks contractions.”

As for my first pregnancy and birthing experience, my daughter came at 40 weeks (and 2 days), I didn’t know I was having contractions until I was about 4.5 cm, I progressed naturally and didn’t have to use any medications, and my second stage of labor was only about 30-45 minutes. So I believe in the power of this tea based on all my research, others experiences, and my own personal experience too. I hope you find this information helpful in your pregnancy journey!


Pedialyte, Miralax: can we trust pediatricians?


We trust our pediatricians right? WRONG! Sorry peeps, for most things yes, but trusting our pediatricians is just something I have realized that we can not do blindly. Why? Because what they have been trained to tell us, isn't always checked, or is dated, or they never looked into it themselves... or hey, its the medical industry, not to sound paranoid, but mostly its all about the money and what industry or company can figure out a way to get recommended. Anyhow I have some things that I have been recommended, and almost didn't think twice about, but I'm SO GLAD I DID! 

First off Pedialyte...

When Makena (my daughter) came down with her first cold, they recommended pedialite, so in such desperation to help her I went straight to the store and bought it. I didn't even think to check the label until I got home (I should have known). Listed ingredients included, wait for it.... RED 40, WTF! "Red 40 contains p-Cresidine, which the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services says is “reasonably anticipated” to be a human carcinogen." Laymans terms, cancer causing! Seriously, cancer causing ingredients in a drink made for babies?!? - there are natural versions that you can make at home and you can find the recipe here. Please remember to read the label, even if your pediatrician has recommended it. 

Secondly.... Miralax 

My daughter has struggled with constipation and at our most recent visit the recommended a twice daily dose of Miralax. In desperation I just wanted to go out right away and buy it, but after doing that the first time with Pedialyte I went to the store and took a peek at the label on the Miralax... I can describe that label in one word... SCARY! Then I started my research. The article I found made me thank god I didn't blindly follow the pediatricians advise. Some highlights from the article "Miralax has never been approved by the FDA for pediatric use... The FDA admits to years of reports of tremors, tics and obsessive-compulsive behavior in children given laxatives containing PEG 3350, the active ingredient in Miralax. A 2014 FDA investigation into the safety of Miralax discovered that tiny amounts of ethylene glycol (EG) and diethylene glycol (DEG), the main ingredients in antifreeze were found in all batches of the drug (Miralax) they tested."

AGAIN, YES (and sorry for being crass, but WTF!). This article also has great solutions for Natural Approaches to Constipation in Kids, so no need to use Miralax, I would urge you to try the solutions in this article first. 

As I move forward in my journey as a new momma I will update this article, but if you have any other things you have been recommended and were surprised after researching more about it, please share in the comments below, or email me and I can update my post. Us mommas have to look out for each other, thanks again mommas, hope this was helpful! 

The beginning of pregnancy: what to eat

When I found out I was pregnant I was so incredibly happy! At the same time I had the ultimate awareness that I was creating a human being inside my body, I realized that each cell of my child was being created by what I was consuming, it was a real reality check. That, and the food restrictions, oh the food restrictions! I made sure to avoid all the typical things:

·         Raw Meat

·         Deli Meat

·         Fish with Mercury, Smoked Seafood, Fish Exposed to Pollutants,                 Raw Shellfish

·         Raw Eggs

·         Soft Cheeses

·         Unpasteurized Milk

·         Pate

·         Unwashed Vegetables

·         Caffeine

·         Alcohol

And found this amazing site that helped me a lot its called Can Mommy Eat (you enter the food and it tells you if you can eat it, it was a lifesaver).

After a lot of research I picked New Chapter Prenatal’s  and New Chapter Whole Mega (for the DHA).

I also started by reading the book a “Holistic Guide to Pregnancy and Childbirth” by Deepak Chopra. This book helped me align my body with my baby and prepare for natural childbirth. 

That is just where I began with my pregnancy, but there is so much more. Because pregnancy and childbirth can seem so overwhelming I wanted to help new mommas and blog about all the research I did so you can have it all in one place. It shouldn't be so hard to have a natural pregnancy, but there is so much to know out there. Look at my other blogs to find out more about what I did to maintain a healthy pregnancy, and techniques I used for a natural childbirth.