Hi! I’m Christina

I'm a mom, and a yogi just trying to do the best I can. My first daughter was born in 2016, and my second in 2018. I found out fast that being a mom is HARD! I'm constantly doing research to make sure I'm doing what is best for my daughters, but keeping up with best practices is more than a full-time job. There is so much research to do, and it all started before my first born. I've done (and continue to do) so much research to ensure I'm making the best choices from what bed they sleep on, the products we use, and the food we eat. 

About MommaTrust™

I created this site to share the research I’ve done about becoming a new momma, healthy practices, and the best non-toxic food and products out there. If I can make one momma’s life a little easier, that would make it worth my time to write these blogs, because us mommas have to stick together! If you ever have any ideas or topics you want me to discuss feel free to comment or reach out and I'm happy to share what I know. 


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